Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fabric8 Gallery Grand Opening

Whats up everyone I have a piece in the upcoming Creature Feature show going down this Saturday July 25th at Fabric8. This show is apart of the Grand Opening of their Gallery space. So be sure to check it out.
Here is my piece for the show.


fabric8 galleries grand opening extravaganza
Saturday, July 25, you MUST come to the Grand Opening of the new fabric8 Galleries, located directly behind our existing boutique at 3318 22nd Street near Valencia in the Mission District of San Francisco. We will be having an opening reception from 7-10PM for, not just one, but TWO group shows.

The "fabric8 Galleries Grand Opening Show" is a group exhibition featuring large works from::

Adam Caldwell
Blaine Fontana
Brett Amory
Brian Barneclo
Damon Soule
David Choong Lee
Erik Otto
KeFe (Kelly Tunstall + Ferris Plock)
Leon Loucheur
Nome Edonna
Norm Maxwell
Reuben Rude
Sirron Norris
Ursula X Young

"Creature Features" is a group show, honoring monsters and other-worldly creatures we have and will come to love, in our existing boutique/gallery space with artists::

Alice Koswara
Andy Stattmiller
Ben Collison
Chris Granillo
Clee Sobieski
Dan Fleres
Johnny Siu
Santos Shelton

That's new work from over 30 artists! It's going to be a big one, so be there.

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