Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First bike trek to San Francisco.

Hola mi amigos, I recently went out to San Francisco on my bike from my new home in Oakland. I quickly realized the difference between the flat streets of San Jose and the crazy roller coaster that is San Francisco.

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So, the main reason I went there was to pick up a design it yourself Qee for the 2d/ 3d customs show I will be doing. I picked it up at the Neon Monster shop on 22nd and Castro. It's a cool shop they sell comics, art, music, and toys. All things I love.
you should check it out if your in the area.

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Here is the Qee I will be painting for the show. I painted a small Qee once before for fun ,but it was a small one. Im interested in how this big one will turn out.

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