Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Solo Show!! Behind The Curtain at Henri&Odette Gallery in Las Vegas Dec.12th

First of I want to thank Jennifer Harrington for contacting me out of the blue with this fabulous opportunity to share and grow as an artist. I really am proud of the work I created for the show. Although the last month or so I have not slept much. I was able to really paint about some issues that have affected my life and many others also in America. The show will be from Dec.12th - Jan 6th at the Henri-odette gallery in Las vegas. So if you know anyone in that area pleas spread the word.

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Here is my artist statement for the show!!

Every day the climate of American is changing. It is growing darker and darker everyday. The powers that be have put up a puppet show to blind us from the truth. How many people die each day from the war? What steps is the government taking to end the financial crisis? Why do you feel you need that new pair of shoes? We have all been blinded from the truth which has been hidden behind the curtain. All we can see is the puppets in front of us. But what if we could see behind the curtain to the hands that control the strings. Would things change or would we go back to watching the show.
These are issues I feel many of us are aware of but yet we all seem to live through our lives like robots. How many times have you heard of something bad on the news facing the country only to change the channel to watch your favorite show. We need to remember. We need to see behind the curtain.

Lastly I wanted to give you a sneak peek to one of the pieces in the show.

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This piece is titled: The Real Power Behind Change.
So please check out the show or spread the word to anyone you know in the area.

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